Setting up Docker and Kubernetes


Before we get started, we’re going to set up a local Kubernetes cluster and Docker daemon so that we can build docker images and deploy them to a cluster. We’re going to use Docker’s desktop application as its the simplest way to get up and running.


Installing Docker for Mac

1) Visit the Docker Desktop homepage.

2) Click Download for Mac (Stable) and install it.

Enabling Kubernetes

NOTE: If you’ve ever exported a Kubernetes path, you’ll have to combine that path with the path that Kubernetes expects the default config file to live at: ~/.kube/config using a : between each path:

export KUBECONFIG=<path-to-default-config.yaml>:<path-to-another-config.yaml>

1) Click on Docker for Desktop in the menu bar, go to Preferences -> Kubernetes and click Enable Kubernetes. Click show system containers (advanced), and Apply & Restart

2) Once Docker has completed installing Kubernetes you can test that it is working by using kubectl:

# Check that Kubernetes is running
> kubectl get nodes
NAME                 STATUS    ROLES     AGE       VERSION
docker-for-desktop   Ready     master    3d        v1.9.6

# Check that Docker is running
> docker -v
Docker version 18.05.0-ce, build f150324


Installing Docker for Windows

1) Ensure you are ready to install Docker Desktop.

2) Visit the Docker Desktop homepage.

3) Click Download for Windows (Stable) and install it.

4) Launch Docker Desktop.

Enabling Kubernetes

1) Click the settings icon, then Kubernetes and click Enable Kubernetes. Click show system containers (advanced), and Apply & Restart

2) Once Kubernetes is active you should see that Docker and Kubernetes are active in the Docker Desktop application window.


Coming soon


You now have everything you need to start playing around with Docker and Kubernetes!


Continue to Writing a simple app